

Console Arguments



Sithija Nelusha


When it comes to interacting with an operating system, the console or command-line interface (CLI) offers a wealth of functionality through various commands or console arguments. These commands allow users to navigate the file system, manipulate files and directories, and perform a range of powerful operations. In this article, we will explore some essential console arguments, including dir, cd, ls, mkdir, cp, rm, and mv, uncovering their capabilities and providing practical examples of their usage.

1. dir (Windows) / ls (Unix-like Systems):

The dir command in Windows and ls command in Unix-like systems are used to list the contents of a directory. When executed without any arguments, they display the files and folders in the current directory. However, they offer a range of options to customize the output.

Windows (dir):

  • dir: List files and folders in the current directory.
  • dir /B: Display only the files and folder names (bare format).
  • dir /S: List files and folders in the current directory and all subdirectories.
  • dir /O:D: Sort files and folders by date (oldest to newest).

Unix-like Systems (ls):

  • ls: List files and folders in the current directory.
  • ls -l: Display detailed information about files and folders.
  • ls -a: Show hidden files and folders.
  • ls -R: List files and folders recursively in the current directory and subdirectories.

2. cd (Change Directory)

The cd command is used to navigate between directories. By specifying the path to a directory as an argument, you can instantly switch to that directory.

  • cd Documents: Change to the "Documents" directory.
  • cd ..: Move up one directory level.
  • cd /path/to/dir: Change to a specific directory using its full path.

3. mkdir (Make Directory):

The mkdir command allows you to create new directories or folders. By providing the desired name of the directory as an argument, you can instantly generate a new folder in the current directory.

  • mkdir NewFolder: Create a new directory named "NewFolder".
  • mkdir ParentFolder/NewFolder: Create a nested directory named "NewFolder" within the "ParentFolder".
  • mkdir -p ParentFolder/NewFolder: Create nested directories, including any missing parent directories.

4. cp (Copy):

The cp command is used to copy files and directories. By specifying the source and destination paths as arguments, you can duplicate files or transfer them to different directories.

Windows (copy):

copy file.txt destination/: Copy "file.txt" to the "destination" directory. copy folder source/ destination/: Copy "folder" and its contents to the "destination" directory.

Unix-like Systems (cp):

cp file.txt destination/: Copy "file.txt" to the "destination" directory. cp -r folder source/ destination/: Copy "folder" and its contents recursively to the "destination" directory.

rm (Remove):

The rm command allows you to remove files and directories. Exercise caution when using this command as it is irreversible.

Windows (del and rmdir):

del file.txt: Delete a file named "file.txt". rmdir directory: Delete an empty directory named "directory".

Unix-like Systems (rm):

rm file.txt: Delete a file named "file.txt". rm -r directory: Delete a directory named "directory" and its contents.

mv (Move):

The mv command is used to move or rename files and directories. By specifying the source and destination paths as arguments,you can relocate files or change their names. Examples include:

Windows (move and ren):

move file.txt destination/: Move "file.txt" to the "destination" directory. ren file.txt newname.txt: Rename "file.txt" to "newname.txt".

Unix-like Systems (mv):

mv file.txt destination/: Move "file.txt" to the "destination" directory. mv file.txt newname.txt: Rename "file.txt" to "newname.txt".

These examples provide a glimpse into the power and versatility of console arguments. However, it's important to note that each operating system may have slight variations in syntax and available options. It's recommended to consult the documentation or help resources specific to your operating system for a complete list of commands and their functionalities.

Python Console Arguments

In addition to the command-line interface of the operating system, Python provides its own capabilities to handle console arguments through the sys module. This module allows you to access and manipulate the arguments passed to a Python script when it is executed from the command line.

It is important to note that the Python scripts discussed in this article should be executed using the command line or terminal rather than Python IDLE or other Python-specific tools.

Run Python Program

In the command python arguments1 argument2, python refers to the Python interpreter. represents the name of the Python script file being executed. arguments1 and argument2 are the command-line arguments passed to the script

python arguments1 argument2

Please note that in some cases, using the command python to run Python scripts from the command line or terminal may not work as expected. This can occur when multiple versions of Python are installed on your system or when you specifically need to use Python 3.

To address this, you can use the command python3 instead of python to ensure that you are running your script with Python 3. This command explicitly calls the Python 3 interpreter and avoids any potential conflicts or compatibility issues..

Please keep in mind that the specific command may vary depending on your operating system and configuration.

Structure of sys.argv

The sys.argv variable is a list within the sys module of Python. It holds the command-line arguments passed to a Python script. The first element, sys.argv[0], contains the name of the script itself. Additional arguments provided after the script name.

  • Python Program
import sys
print("Script name:", sys.argv[0])
  • Console Command for run the Python Program.
  • Output:

Accessing Command-Line Arguments

To access individual command-line arguments, you can iterate over sys.argv[1:] or reference specific indices. This allows you to retrieve and utilize the values of the arguments within your script.

  • Python Program
import sys
for argument in sys.argv[1:]:
  • Console Command for run the Python Program.
python 3 5.2 "some" True
  • Output

It's important to note that command-line arguments, when accessed through sys.argv in Python, are parsed as strings by default. Regardless of the original data type of the input provided as arguments, they are initially treated as strings within the script.

Why sys.argv[1:]?

Using sys.argv[1:] allows you to access command-line arguments passed to a Python script while excluding the script name itself, which is stored in sys.argv[0]. By slicing sys.argv starting from index 1, you can directly access and manipulate the additional arguments provided, simplifying your code and ensuring that you are working with the desired arguments.

  • Python Program
import sys
arguments = sys.argv[1:]
  • Console Command for run the Python Program.
python 3 5.2 "some" True
  • Output

Checking Argument Length

You can check the length of sys.argv to determine if any command-line arguments were provided when running the script. By checking the length, you can conditionally handle scenarios where specific arguments are required or optional.

  • Python Program
import sys
length = len(sys.argv) 
  • Console Command for run the Python Program.
python 3 5.2 "some" True
  • Output

To check whether command-line arguments are provided or not, you can use the length of sys.argv.

import sys
if (len(sys.argv) > 1):
    print("arguments are provided")
    print("arguments are not provided")


Harnessing console arguments, both in the operating system and through Python sys module, empowers users to customize and enhance their command-line experience. By leveraging these tools, users can efficiently navigate directories, manipulate files, and create versatile Python scripts that accept dynamic inputs, enabling greater productivity and flexibility in their workflow.